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~Art<3~ Empty ~Art<3~

Post  KayleighCakes! Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:15 am

Welllll... Some of you may know that I enjoy art in all of it's forms, but few of you are aware that I actually have some of my own creations hanging in a museum exhibitation for the art contest "The Barber of Seville," which is a popular broadway musical. XD I also have a scholarship to the Art Institute in a place of my choosing.
~Art<3~ Dance

All credations aside, I love sharing my work and I appreciate any and all comments/critque, so I figured hosting my own forum would be a prime chance to share something I care about with all of you as well as take this excursion in an attempt to better myself as an artist. :]

So... Welcome to The Gallary of Kayleigh!

~Art<3~ The_sh10
This piece is titled "The Shining." It's actually a photograph I took when I was at Fort Niagra during a trip my family took to Canada. I used a program smiliar to photoshop and digitalized the image.

~Art<3~ Only_p10
This was just a project I did in my Photoshop class during school but I was pleased with how it turned out. ;P

~Art<3~ Abstra10
This was actually a really little boy o.o I made him creepy. =[ Poor kid.

~Art<3~ Dark10
This is a picture of me that I obviously played with. I'm a Scorpio so... :3 Yeah.

~Art<3~ Wallpa10
XD Yeah. I can't help it >:[ Sasuke is hot. Stfu.

~Art<3~ Untitl10
Ehehe! I made this for Kori in my Digital Imaging class. I <3 it. So does he. ^.^

And finally...
~Art<3~ Barber10
This is the piece I have hanging in the museum for the contest. The selling price on it is $250! Pretty good for my first piece to be featured, ne?

Feedback is MUCH loved<3.

Posts : 97
Join date : 2008-07-01
Age : 34
Location : Ohio

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~Art<3~ Empty Re: ~Art<3~

Post  LoveAisha Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:05 am

Wow Shocked

I love them all, they're so cool!!

Congrats on the scholarship!

My dad would probably like the sasuke one because he likes watching Naruto and Anime, lol

Who gets the cash when the art is sold...

Posts : 68
Join date : 2008-07-05
Age : 32
Location : Behind You!

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~Art<3~ Empty Re: ~Art<3~

Post  KayleighCakes! Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:40 pm

XD Thanks Aisha!!!

LMAO at your dad. That's freakin' awesome. :3

I get most of the money. The museum (or in this case museums because two hosted it) will get a portion of the money for displaying it. I'm not exactly sure how much though. 10-20%? And also my digital imaging teacher will detract the amount of money that it cost to frame and matte it, since he's a woodshop teacher and did it for me. :]

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Join date : 2008-07-01
Age : 34
Location : Ohio

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~Art<3~ Empty Re: ~Art<3~

Post  FaytNight Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:47 pm

I've seen all these before but once again you're amazing babe.

Posts : 126
Join date : 2008-07-01
Location : At Kayleigh's place

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~Art<3~ Empty Re: ~Art<3~

Post  uknowimawesome Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:51 am

Omigod You're soooooo good Kayle! Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Grats on getting the scholorship.
Girly Man
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